doctorseyes also offers optional Winglights for its Professional System.
With 30 ultrabright LEDs each, the Winglights add light from the sides and provide plasticity to frontal dental pictures. Therefore, it is advisable to shut off the ringlight and only use the Winglights for full smile shots.
The Winglights also provide additional light for SLR cameras that use lenses with longer focal lengths (e.g. 100 mm macro lenses). In addition, the Winglights are part of the doctorseyes realtooth concept to picture detailed tooth structures.
Please click the "+ -" buttons on the left side of the power & light controller to be able to view the lighting situations and the monitoring provided by the doctorseyes ring & winglight system
The doctorseyes System is 50 times brighter than the Nikon SL-1 ringlight
Using special white, ultrabright LEDs for homogenous illumination the doctorseyes System is 50 times brighter than the Nikon SL-1 ringlight. The advantage of LEDs it their high durability and longevity paired with very low energy consumption. The constant temperature of 6500 Kelvin is that of daylight and enables natural color reproduction. A decisive factor is not only the brightness and number of LEDs but also the homogeneity in its illumination. Doctorseyes, therefore, only uses hand-selected LEDs ensuring these characteristics. Doctorseyes ringlights are the most homogenous and most powerful illumination available.